STG Pacific is well into the business of building things for a variety of federal clients whether it’s a bridge, a large concrete foundation, or a specialized storage building to house wildlife specimens. But this year, STG Pacific has found itself at the B.F. Sisk Basalt Hill Quarry, carving out a name in the business of blasting rock.
Located in the Central Valley of California within a state park, the quarry was once used for the original construction of B.F. Sisk Dam, which provides supplemental irrigation water storage for the Federal Central Valley Project and municipal and industrial water for the California State Water Project. In 2019, STG Pacific was awarded a contract with the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation to assess the quarry for potential production of drain gravel, rock blanket, rockfill, bedding for rip rap, rip rap, and rock blanket materials. The materials would be used to construct dam modifications that would reduce seismic risk to communities located downstream from the dam.
So, over these last few months, STG Pacific worked closely with its subcontractor to perform two test blasts.
According to Site Superintendent, Trenton Smith, the quantity of explosives and the number and size of the drill holes made this project uniquely large in comparison to most. It was also a memorable career first for Trenton.

“I’m a dirt guy and was fascinated with the scope of work. Getting everything prepped for the blast was fun—the crew and I were like excited little kids! This was definitely one of the neatest projects I’ve ever worked on. The scope was new to me, the location gorgeous, and we saw elk roaming the property daily.”
As of the end of June, STG Pacific had completed the blasting work and wrapped up the aggregate crushing. Read more about the project here.